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National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) Outline

Please  participate freely and share widely.  This outline and the information  entered only provides a framework for all indeviuals to understand the  implications of this bill, share insights and information, discuss  counter-tactics and begin invisioning a world where such threats to liberty do not exist. 

When  contributing, please choose a different color to highlight your  information, or italicize. Avoid writing in caps and using prophane  language.  Please use the following coded system when submitting  information so we know what your intention is.
[f] fact- something that is absolutely verifiable
[si] supporting information- something  that expands upon a fact, must be cited
[i] inference- something that can be deduced from given information
[q] question
[c] concern- not to be used when a fact concerns you, but to be used in response to opinions, inferences and cited sources
[o] opinion- personal response
[poa] plan of action- idea's for demonstations, direct actions, play actions, art ect

Feel free to update or add any codes, sections or subsections. Document will be moderated for consensus weekly and updated accordingly.  

I. Implications and Consequences of the National Defense Authorization Act
        A. Bill Contents with Implications
        B. How it Affects Our Culture          
II.How This is Unconstitutional
III. Community Targeting and Specialized Tactics
        A. A History of National Security Measures
            1.Civil Rights Movement
            2.Anti War Movement
            3.Red Scare
            4.International People's Movements and Government Interference
            5.The Terror of War
            6.Surveillance in Modern Movements
                i. AETA/EETA
                ii. "right wing estremist", tea partiers and militia members labeled as terrorists under certian laws
        B. The Trend of Suppression
            1. Media
            2. International Measures
        C. Communities At Risk
        D. Concequences of Detention and Torcher
IV. Remaining Vigilant
        A. Way's to Know Thy Neighbor- Introducing the General Assembly Process to Communities
        B .Strengthening Jail and Court Solidarity
        C .Legislative Solutions
        D. Knowing Your Rights Whether or Not You Are Read Them
V. Looking Forward: Beginning a Conversation on Human Rights, State Legitimacy and People's Assemblies Governance