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"somewhat currated", not just a link dump. Not many links yet, but you can search for most of these topics.
News Sources
- fnf blog: http://freenetworkfoundation.org/?page_id=94
- cryptome.org
- twitter.com/ioerror (jake appelbaum)
- darknet subreddit
- eff blog: https://www.eff.org/deeplinks
- wired blog: http://www.wired.com/threatlevel/
- chillingeffects.org
- eff (electronic freedom foundation)
- wikileaks
- 2600
- software freedom law center
- riseup
- FSF (free software foundation)
- Tor
- FreeNet
- mixmaster
- FreedomBox
- cjdns
- monkeysphere
- "Mother Earth, Mother Board" (1993) by Neal Stephenson http://www.wired.com/wired/archive/4.12/ffglass_pr.html
- "The NSA Is Building the Country’s Biggest Spy Center (Watch What You Say)" (2012) by James Bamford http://www.wired.com/threatlevel/2012/03/ff_nsadatacenter/all/1"
- "The Digital Imprimatur" (2003) by John Walker http://www.fourmilab.ch/documents/digital-imprimatur/
- "A Declaration of the Independence of Cyberspace" (1996) by John Perry Barlow (eff.org) https://projects.eff.org/~barlow/Declaration-Final.html
- "Cypherpunk Manifesto" (1993) by Eric Hughes http://www.activism.net/cypherpunk/manifesto.html
- RFC3271: "The Internet is for Everyone" (2002) by Vint Cerf http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc3271.txt
- "The Information" (2011) by James Gleick (non-fiction)
- "How the World Was One: Beyond the Global Village" (1992) by Arthur Clark (non-fiction)
- "Little Brother" (2011) by Cory Doctorow (fiction, near-future dystopian)
Talks (video)
- Eben Moglen IOSC talk on FreedomBox
- Moxie Marlinkspice on phones and social pressure
History of digital censorship/privacy/control
- fordsucks.com (fordreallysucks.com)
- DeCSS algorithm (for DVD viewing)
- USA: DMCA (digital millenium copyright act)
- Palladium, "trusted computing"
- Clipper Chip
- wikileaks
- p2p file sharing: Napster, Kazaa, Gnutella, bittorrent
- crypto wars: Bernstein v. United States
- Great Firewall of China
- deep packet inspection
- 2010-2011 SSL failures: comodogate, DigiNotar, firesheep, Iranian facebook MITM
- network neutrality
- DRM: digital rights management
- restricted boot
- software patents
- browser wars
- patriot act
- "real name" policies on social networks
- US customs domain siezures
- google pullout of china
International Internet Regulations
- .de "imprint"
- EU data retention
- .cn
- FCC network neutrality position
- US common carrier
- TLD-specific registration requirements
- south korean id number system
- international copyright laws, cooperation
- "3-strikes" laws
"Internet Governance"
- "rough consensus, working code"
- standards/protocols: IETF (internet engineering task force)
- IP addressing: IANA (inter assigned names authority) , ARIN (american registry for internet numbers)
- DNS: ICANN (internet corporation for assigned names and numbers)
- USA: FCC rural networks, common carrier, spectrum
- HTML: w3c
- other: IOSC (internet society)
- spamhaus
- UN treaties?
- postal and telegraph regulations as precident
- US bell breakup
- investment/ownership of submarine cables
- FCC and radio spectrum allocation policies
"How the Internet Works"
- network layer paradigm
- message passing pattern, server/client pattern, p2p pattern, circuit/stream pattern
- stateless vs. stateful
- TCP/IP (transmission control protocol/internet protocol), UDP (user datagram protocol)
- tunneling, encapsulation
- global static addressing vs. NAT/DHCP (network address translation, dynamic host configuration protocol)
- ISP ecosystem/economics: retail, national, international
- "backbone" scale internet: AS (autonomous system) numbering, BGP (border gateway protocol) , failures
- cloud/datacenter hosting
- DNS hierarchy
- SSL/TLS hierarchy
- VPNs
- modern CDNs (contend delivery networkds)
- DHT (distributed hash table)
- "mobile internet": 3G, 4G, WiMAX
- IPv4 -> IPv6
- DNSSEC (dns security)
- IPSEC (ip security)
General Internet History
- universities, internet2
- gopher, mosaic
- w3c
- "endless autumn"
- see also: http://www.livinginternet.com/i/i.htm
Security, Encryption, Identity systems
- SSL/TLS (secure socket layer, transit layer security)
- public key
- OTR (off the record)
- PGP/GPG "web of trust" (pretty good privacy)
- SSH (secure shell)
- OAuth, openid