We sound our barbaric yawp over the tin roofs of the world. ~WW
Just had a great chat with Parker Phinney, who's on the board of Students for Free Culture. He offered to throw some traffic our way, and to help us get to the SFC conference @ NYU to present on our project. Things are really coming together, people! We've got our work cut out for us in many ways, but one thing is clear: We need to get REALLY, REALLY, REALLY good at building mesh networks. It's a skill. It's a craft. It's an art. It's a revolution.
take care,
--Isaac 16:26, 11 January 2011 (CST)
OH YEAH! I forgot that you can't just make wikipedia pages for whatever you want.
--Isaac 10:36, 10 January 2011 (CST)
Hey yall. Just made a stub page for the movement over on wikipedia. Y'know, just if people want a basic rundown of what we're all about. Wanna help?
--Isaac 02:33, 10 January 2011 (CST)
Brad! Everyone!
I had a conversation with Kosta Grammatis this morning. It was a conversation that I will remember as long as I live. I can't wait to get back to Grinnell and tell you all, all about it. In the meantime, this is our chance to shine. Kosta recommended that we look into the mesh potato which is a piece of hardware produced by village telco. As Brad said, proof of concept + running code, and then we take this baby on the ROAD. Detroit, Haiti, Africa – wherever we are needed most. The important thing is that we are in this together. Kosta has our backs, and we will have our satellite.
What a joyous, joyous day.
--Isaac 16:06, 9 January 2011 (CST)
- This is the most informative page that I have found (so far) about Village Telco's idea and implementation:
- Village Telco Documentation
--martin 16:26, 9 January 2011 (CST)
Yawp @ Isaac: me me me! Proof of concept + running code. Test out the concept in Grinnell, then move it on to Haiti.
--Gordonbr 14:44, 9 January 2011 (CST)
Once you get that add-on configured, I don't think we'd really need an IRC channel. As long as we have a way to talk that isn't submission based. After some tribulation, I've gotten myself a PGP keypair, and I'll post that on my page right now.
--Gordonbr 23:49, 7 January 2011 (CST)
Anyways, in terms of a chat feature, I've found a really nice mediawiki add-on that gives you a chat room for each article, but I'm having some trouble getting it working. My PHP skills are more or less nonexistent, so, martin, if you don't mind taking a look, I'm going to send you the server login info via PGP mail. the add-on is called wiki-chat. Brad, if you've got a PGP keypair, you should update your user page to indicate where we can find it. Otherwise, you might want to think about getting one. So, if we get that up and running here pretty soon, do you think we should still set up an IRC channel? The wikichats won't be very secure, but then, really sensitive conversations should happen in person, anyhow. Okay, yawp back.
--Isaac 20:17, 7 January 2011 (CST)
happy new year! Let's make it one for the history-wikis.
--Isaac 15:33, 31 December 2010 (CST)
Man, there is so much to do, and so little time! If people are looking to contribute, compiling a good list of stories about wikileaks is a good place to start. There's a page set up, if you follow on down from current events. There's so much, though, and so little time. I'm still trying to finish up this essay about the kaballah and spinoza, but I should be much more free after the new year. Then I'mma get start fo rull.
--Freenet 21:06, 25 December 2010 (CST)
--Isaac 15:05, 22 December 2010 (CST)
We sound our barbaric yawp over the tin roofs of the world
-Something like Unlce Walt once said