FNF Conference Call 6 May 2012
Participants: Isaac Wilder Tyrone Greenfield Nick Daly Leonard Goodcell
Summary: We talked about Isaac and Nick's upcoming trip to Rio for a conference, RightsCon and a hackfest, OpenITP Circumvention Tech Summit, between May 31st and June 2nd. FreedomBox (FBF) expects to have made progress on Santiago before then, so that it can be tested and worked on there.
Nick and Isaac also went over the current progress of Santiago and Neruda, both elements of FreedomBox.
Tyrone talked about fiscal sponsorship. Since our 501(c)3 status is still pending, and we can expect it to stay this way for some time, it may be pertinent to seek out a registered nonprofit as a fiscal sponsor. This is for example how FBF operates now. Tyrone said that he will investigate potential organizations to collaborate with, such as Software in the Public Interest, which currently sponsors FBF, Debian, and other excellent projects. If anyone wants to get involved, give input, or help with this, please feel more than welcome to email tyrone@freenetworkfoundation.org or the [core] list. Updates forthcoming.