This is a page to track the finances of the FNF.
It's a little bit hard to track what's going on right now, because I (Isaac) am paying my expenses out of pocket so that I can work for the Foundation full time. Ideally, these costs would be reimbursed when we have money. Same goes for the work of everyone else, especially Charles, who has been putting in a large amount of volunteer hours working on the nodal stack.
Donations Recieved
$25 via Paypal - June 20 $100 from Isaac - June 25 $50 via Paypal - August 29
Monthly Outflows
$50 to Hostgator for VPS
$150 Dreamplug x 4 $75 bgn radios x 8 $100 3650 radios x 2 $220 3650 license $400 Optiplex x 3 $1000 Isaac monthly $1000 Charles Monthly $500 Koen Monthly $500 Seb Monthly $500 Mo Monthly $500 Jose monthly?