CSC397 - Programming for the Common Good
CSC342 - Automata, Formal Languages, and Computational Complexity
PHL295 - Neurophilosophy
MUS120 - Voice
PHE100 - Yoga
something incredible has happened. no one is answering their phone.
if you're not helping, you're hurting.
oh MAN! I want a St. Bernard puppy so BAD. I wanna name him Baruch.
A toast to freedom: to the freedoms we have, for which we should be eternally grateful, and the ones we don't, for which we must fight.
INFINITE JEST HERE WE GO. whoa whoa. Whoa.
no haircuts
If I am not for myself, who will be for me?
If I am only for myself, who am I?
If not now, when?
My God, My God,
I pray that these things never end
The sand and the sea
The rush of the water
The crash of the heavens
The prayer of the heart.