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<p>Liberty Plaza Vision
Liberty Plaza Vision
</p><p>Hello world! - For the last three weeks, we of Liberty Plaza not only survived police brutality and the cold. We prevailed over media pressure and internal pressure to write demands. Through an ongoing facilitated discussion, to be posted online, we now realize that we have more to offer than demands. We are a part of a movement, unifying across the globe. This document outlines our vision, goals, and strategy to maximize our positive impact in the global movement’s inevitable success. Demands cannot reflect inevitable success. Demands imply condition, and we will never stop. Demands cannot reflect the time scale we are working with.
</p><p>We present the following living vision of our movement. It is one document among many that work together in focusing our occupation for the public and ourselves. The vision has ten focii with practical goals for New York City. Our goals are aimed to effectively dissolve the shadow government of corporations and banks, literally surrounding Liberty Plaza, that are destroying the American dream, and our planet Earth. We will not fight the shadow government. We will invent new ways of living - that will overcome our constructed dependence upon the shadow government. We will invent the new economy, culture, and technology fitting of the Information Age. We will make New York City a metropolis built for the future.
Hello world! - For the last three weeks, we of Liberty Plaza not only survived police brutality and the cold. We prevailed over media pressure and internal pressure to write demands. Through an ongoing facilitated discussion, to be posted online, we now realize that we have more to offer than demands. We are a part of a movement, unifying across the globe. This document outlines our vision, goals, and strategy to maximize our positive impact in the global movement’s inevitable success. Demands cannot reflect inevitable success. Demands imply condition, and we will never stop. Demands cannot reflect the time scale we are working with.
</p><p>A few things must be said. Corporations do not make jobs - people make jobs. Money does not support livelihood - our Earth supports livelihood. The proprietary technology and tactics used to hijack and manipulate the human spirit into thinking otherwise no longer belongs to the shadow government - they belong to us. Thus the following seven visions are more than feasible. Only one question remains: When will each goal be achieved? The answer to that depends depends on YOU.
</p><p>1. Coordinate our occupation with global movement - by:
We present the following living vision of our movement. It is one document among many that work together in focusing our occupation for the public and ourselves. The vision has ten focii with practical goals for New York City. Our goals are aimed to effectively dissolve the shadow government of corporations and banks, literally surrounding Liberty Plaza, that are destroying the American dream, and our planet Earth. We will not fight the shadow government. We will invent new ways of living - that will overcome our constructed dependence upon the shadow government. We will invent the new economy, culture, and technology fitting of the Information Age. We will make New York City a metropolis built for the future.
Facilitating the growth of local movements for direct, organic, participatory consensus-based democracy through transparent, iterative design.
Studying ourselves and other local occupations to find more ideal models of consensus building, decision making and coordinating
A few things must be said. Corporations do not make jobs - people make jobs. Money does not support livelihood - our Earth supports livelihood. The proprietary technology and tactics used to hijack and manipulate the human spirit into thinking otherwise no longer belongs to the shadow government - they belong to us. Thus the following seven visions are more than feasible. Only one question remains: When will each goal be achieved? The answer to that depends depends on YOU.
Coordinating across local and regional people’s assemblies for deeper impact. Encouraging each to focus on their local economic, cultural and political assets as we:
Make NYC a functioning focal point for other people’s assemblies to dissolve and overcome the shadow government that is embedded here
#Coordinate our occupation with global movement - by&nbsp;
Implement FLO (free libre open-source) solutions for everything
##Facilitating the growth of local movements for direct, organic, participatory consensus-based democracy through transparent, iterative design.  
Every bullet point vision described herein shall be supported and implemented through non proprietary technology and methods
##Studying ourselves and other local occupations to find more ideal models of consensus building, decision making and coordinating  
Expand people’s knowledge of open-source beyond computers to all technology from tractors to currencies.
##Coordinating across local and regional people’s assemblies for deeper impact.  
Make NYC the Open Source Silicon Alley
##Encouraging each occupation to focus on their local economic, cultural and political assets as we:  
Create an economy in harmony with nature - by:
###Make NYC a functioning focal point for other people’s assemblies to dissolve and overcome the shadow government that is embedded here
Researching, developing and implementing economic models that pursue thriving, abundant and prosperous outcomes for humanity and life - growing beyond the dichotomy of unsustainable and sustainable development
#Implement FLO (free libre open-source) solutions for everything  
Implementing and improving community currencies, barter, sharing, and trade systems
##Every bullet point vision described herein shall be supported and implemented through non proprietary technology and methods  
Building the support and precedence for local and large scale production of renewable energy and food resources
##Expand people’s knowledge of open-source beyond computers to all technology from tractors to currencies.&nbsp;
Eliminating financial/resource speculation that supports the current economy at the expense of future generations
##Make NYC the Open Source Silicon Alley
Learning from and empowering indigenous people in the transition to an economy in harmony with nature - as we:
#Create an economy in harmony with nature - by:  
Make NYC a pioneer of urban farming, renewable energy, grass roots urban/rural exchange and indigenous leadership
##Researching, developing and implementing economic models that pursue thriving, abundant and prosperous outcomes for humanity and life - growing beyond the dichotomy of unsustainable and sustainable development  
Create paradigm-shifting education (emancipating global citizens from exploitative, community-destroying consumer culture): by
##Implementing and improving community currencies, barter, sharing, and trade systems Building the support and precedence for local and large scale production of renewable energy and food resources  
Empowering community values, engagement, and critical autonomous thought
##Eliminating financial/resource speculation that supports the current economy at the expense of future generations  
Empowering our local people’s assemblies working groups with free educational materials for apprenticeship and skill-sharing  
##Learning from and empowering indigenous people in the transition to an economy in harmony with nature - as we:  
Make NYC a top supporter of public space for community action.
###Make NYC a pioneer of urban farming, renewable energy, grass roots urban/rural exchange and indigenous leadership
Re-appropriate our business culture, putting people and our Earth before profit
#Create paradigm-shifting education (emancipating global citizens from exploitative, community-destroying consumer culture): by  
Supporting and organizing with entities that serve community
##Empowering community values, engagement, and critical autonomous thought
Coordinating demands of local, national and global GA’s to eliminate outdated corporate systems that are out of line with people and nature - the most egregious exploiters of human and natural capitol
##Empowering our local people’s assemblies working groups with free educational materials for apprenticeship and skill-sharing - as we:
Make NYC the mecca for innovative community based organizational entities like L3C, not-for profit, NGO, charities etc.
###Make NYC a top supporter of public space for community action.
Re-appropriate our media culture, putting truth over advertizing and sensation
#Re-appropriate our business culture, putting people and our Earth before profit  
Ensure diversity of perspectives and entertainment through promoting diverse community media as an alternative to conglomerate-corporate media
##Supporting and organizing with entities that serve community  
Make NYC a thriving ecosystem of community news and entertainment supported by the people
##Coordinating demands of local, national and global GA’s to eliminate outdated corporate systems that are out of line with people and nature - the most egregious exploiters of human and natural capitol -as we:
Define humanity’s inalienable rights from the bottom up  
###Make NYC the mecca for innovative community based organizational entities like L3C, not-for profit, NGO, charities etc.
Supporting the commonly discussed rights to clean water, healthy food, safe shelter, health care
#Re-appropriate our media culture, putting truth over advertizing and sensation
Pioneering the emerging right to free network communication technology (the People’s Internets)
##Ensure diversity of perspectives and entertainment through promoting diverse community media as an alternative to conglomerate-corporate media - as we:
###Make NYC a thriving ecosystem of community news and entertainment supported by the people
<pre class="_fck_mw_lspace">Making NYC a leader of the People’s Internets
#Define humanity’s inalienable rights from the bottom up  
##Supporting the commonly discussed rights to clean water, healthy food, safe shelter, health care Pioneering the emerging right to free network communication technology (the People’s Internets)
<p>End all war
###<span class="Apple-style-span" style="font-family: monospace; white-space: pre; ">Make NYC a leader of the People’s Internets</span>
Stopping the false War on Terror at home and abroad, used to support the military industrial complex and citizen surveillance/control
#<span class="Apple-style-span" style="font-family: monospace; white-space: pre; "></span>End all war  
Stopping the false War on Drugs, used to support the prison/pharmaceutical industrial complex  
##Stopping the false War on Terror at home and abroad, used to support the military industrial complex and citizen surveillance/control  
Stopping the age of oil, which is really a disguised War on Life that toxifies our land, water and bodies
##Stopping the false War on Drugs, used to support the prison/pharmaceutical industrial complex  
Make NYC a stronghold of peace
##Stopping the age of oil, which is really a disguised War on Life that toxifies our land, water and bodies  
Eliminate all discrimination and prejudice
###Make NYC a stronghold of peace
Empowering marginalized people to express themselves, build community, and engage systemic/cultural discrimination  
#Eliminate all discrimination and prejudice  
Educate people with privilege about how they can overcome overt and unconscious discrimination/prejudice.
##Empowering marginalized people to express themselves, build community, and engage systemic/cultural discrimination  
Protect the human rights of anyone living or working in America, independent of their legal status.
##Educate people with privilege about how they can overcome overt and unconscious discrimination/prejudice. Protect the human rights of anyone living or working in America, independent of their legal status.  
Make NYC a more celebrated place of diversity that lives up to its Melting Pot reputation
###Make NYC a more celebrated place of diversity that lives up to its Melting Pot reputation
Harmonize humanity’s religious, spiritual and existential traditions
#Harmonize humanity’s religious, spiritual and existential traditions  
Creating the space for all people to respectfully and collaboratively worship, discuss, and explore religious and nonreligious topics
##Creating the space for all people to respectfully and collaboratively worship, discuss, and explore religious and nonreligious topics  
###Make NYC a hub for harmonious religious, spiritual and non-religious practice
Make NYC a functioning focal point for other people’s assemblies to dissolve and overcome the shadow government that is embedded here
Make NYC the Open Source Silicon Alley Make NYC a pioneer of urban farming, renewable energy, grass roots urban/rural exchange and indigenous leadership
Make NYC a thriving ecosystem of community news and entertainment supported by the people
Make NYC a top supporter of public space for community action
Make NYC a top supporter of public space for community action
Make NYC the mecca for innovative community based organizational entities like L3C, not-for profit, NGO, charities etc
Make NYC a leader of the People’s Internets
Make NYC a stronghold of pacifism
Make NYC a more celebrated place of diversity that lives up to its Melting Pot reputation
Make NYC a hub for harmonious religious, spiritual and non-religious practice
Make NYC a hub for harmonious religious, spiritual and non-religious practice
</p><p><br />
</p><p><br />
Make NYC a functioning focal point for other people’s assemblies to dissolve and overcome the shadow government that is embedded here
Make NYC the Open Source Silicon Alley
Make NYC a pioneer of urban farming, renewable energy, grass roots urban/rural exchange and indigenous leadership
Make NYC a thriving ecosystem of community news and entertainment supported by the people
Make NYC a top supporter of public space for community action.
Make NYC a top supporter of public space for community action.
Make NYC the mecca for innovative community based organizational entities like L3C, not-for profit, NGO, charities etc.
Making NYC a leader of the People’s Internets
Make NYC a stronghold of pacifism
Make NYC a more celebrated place of diversity that lives up to its Melting Pot reputation
Make NYC a hub for harmonious religious, spiritual and non-religious practice

Revision as of 04:29, 11 October 2011

Liberty Plaza Vision

Hello world! - For the last three weeks, we of Liberty Plaza not only survived police brutality and the cold. We prevailed over media pressure and internal pressure to write demands. Through an ongoing facilitated discussion, to be posted online, we now realize that we have more to offer than demands. We are a part of a movement, unifying across the globe. This document outlines our vision, goals, and strategy to maximize our positive impact in the global movement’s inevitable success. Demands cannot reflect inevitable success. Demands imply condition, and we will never stop. Demands cannot reflect the time scale we are working with.

We present the following living vision of our movement. It is one document among many that work together in focusing our occupation for the public and ourselves. The vision has ten focii with practical goals for New York City. Our goals are aimed to effectively dissolve the shadow government of corporations and banks, literally surrounding Liberty Plaza, that are destroying the American dream, and our planet Earth. We will not fight the shadow government. We will invent new ways of living - that will overcome our constructed dependence upon the shadow government. We will invent the new economy, culture, and technology fitting of the Information Age. We will make New York City a metropolis built for the future.

A few things must be said. Corporations do not make jobs - people make jobs. Money does not support livelihood - our Earth supports livelihood. The proprietary technology and tactics used to hijack and manipulate the human spirit into thinking otherwise no longer belongs to the shadow government - they belong to us. Thus the following seven visions are more than feasible. Only one question remains: When will each goal be achieved? The answer to that depends depends on YOU.

  1. Coordinate our occupation with global movement - by 
    1. Facilitating the growth of local movements for direct, organic, participatory consensus-based democracy through transparent, iterative design.
    2. Studying ourselves and other local occupations to find more ideal models of consensus building, decision making and coordinating
    3. Coordinating across local and regional people’s assemblies for deeper impact.
    4. Encouraging each occupation to focus on their local economic, cultural and political assets as we:
      1. Make NYC a functioning focal point for other people’s assemblies to dissolve and overcome the shadow government that is embedded here
  2. Implement FLO (free libre open-source) solutions for everything
    1. Every bullet point vision described herein shall be supported and implemented through non proprietary technology and methods
    2. Expand people’s knowledge of open-source beyond computers to all technology from tractors to currencies. 
    3. Make NYC the Open Source Silicon Alley
  3. Create an economy in harmony with nature - by:
    1. Researching, developing and implementing economic models that pursue thriving, abundant and prosperous outcomes for humanity and life - growing beyond the dichotomy of unsustainable and sustainable development
    2. Implementing and improving community currencies, barter, sharing, and trade systems Building the support and precedence for local and large scale production of renewable energy and food resources
    3. Eliminating financial/resource speculation that supports the current economy at the expense of future generations
    4. Learning from and empowering indigenous people in the transition to an economy in harmony with nature - as we:
      1. Make NYC a pioneer of urban farming, renewable energy, grass roots urban/rural exchange and indigenous leadership
  4. Create paradigm-shifting education (emancipating global citizens from exploitative, community-destroying consumer culture): by
    1. Empowering community values, engagement, and critical autonomous thought
    2. Empowering our local people’s assemblies working groups with free educational materials for apprenticeship and skill-sharing - as we:
      1. Make NYC a top supporter of public space for community action.
  5. Re-appropriate our business culture, putting people and our Earth before profit
    1. Supporting and organizing with entities that serve community
    2. Coordinating demands of local, national and global GA’s to eliminate outdated corporate systems that are out of line with people and nature - the most egregious exploiters of human and natural capitol -as we:
      1. Make NYC the mecca for innovative community based organizational entities like L3C, not-for profit, NGO, charities etc.
  6. Re-appropriate our media culture, putting truth over advertizing and sensation
    1. Ensure diversity of perspectives and entertainment through promoting diverse community media as an alternative to conglomerate-corporate media - as we:
      1. Make NYC a thriving ecosystem of community news and entertainment supported by the people
  7. Define humanity’s inalienable rights from the bottom up
    1. Supporting the commonly discussed rights to clean water, healthy food, safe shelter, health care Pioneering the emerging right to free network communication technology (the People’s Internets)
      1. Make NYC a leader of the People’s Internets
  8. End all war
    1. Stopping the false War on Terror at home and abroad, used to support the military industrial complex and citizen surveillance/control
    2. Stopping the false War on Drugs, used to support the prison/pharmaceutical industrial complex
    3. Stopping the age of oil, which is really a disguised War on Life that toxifies our land, water and bodies
      1. Make NYC a stronghold of peace
  9. Eliminate all discrimination and prejudice
    1. Empowering marginalized people to express themselves, build community, and engage systemic/cultural discrimination
    2. Educate people with privilege about how they can overcome overt and unconscious discrimination/prejudice. Protect the human rights of anyone living or working in America, independent of their legal status.
      1. Make NYC a more celebrated place of diversity that lives up to its Melting Pot reputation
  10. Harmonize humanity’s religious, spiritual and existential traditions
    1. Creating the space for all people to respectfully and collaboratively worship, discuss, and explore religious and nonreligious topics
      1. Make NYC a hub for harmonious religious, spiritual and non-religious practice


Make NYC a functioning focal point for other people’s assemblies to dissolve and overcome the shadow government that is embedded here

Make NYC the Open Source Silicon Alley Make NYC a pioneer of urban farming, renewable energy, grass roots urban/rural exchange and indigenous leadership

Make NYC a thriving ecosystem of community news and entertainment supported by the people

Make NYC a top supporter of public space for community action

Make NYC a top supporter of public space for community action

Make NYC the mecca for innovative community based organizational entities like L3C, not-for profit, NGO, charities etc

Make NYC a leader of the People’s Internets

Make NYC a stronghold of pacifism

Make NYC a more celebrated place of diversity that lives up to its Melting Pot reputation

Make NYC a hub for harmonious religious, spiritual and non-religious practice